woensdag 6 april 2016


Jeffrey Dean Morgan made an impressive debut on the finale episode of The Walking Dead. Morgan was only actually in the episode for 10 minutes but in those 10 minutes Morgan made us believe in his character, NEGAN, the new bad guy to make life harder for the group of survivors we have come to care for in all these 6 seasons so far.

Negan’s introduction in the comics also meant the death of GLENN (Steven Yeun) but in the episode the fatal beating given by Negan was shown from a POV shot, meaning we did not get to see who was struck down. So we will have to wait until the premiere of the next season this fall to see which character was killed.

Was it MIchonne, Daryl, Glenn, Rosita, Carl, Maggie, Rick, Aaron, Eugene, Abraham or Sasha? Internet speculation centers on Glenn, Abraham and Eugene but showrunner Scott Gimple says that this very question, painful as it is now not to know, will set up a new storyline which will take our characters in new directions.

"Do I live or do I die ?"
 I would like to remind the fans that everything said on the internet now is speculation. Glenn already survived another close call in the first half of the Sixth Season so one could surmise this would put him in a safety zone but Gimple reminds us that on this show “No one is safe” That also means even Rick (who seemed to be losing it as he acquiesced to get on his knees before the coming of Negan) or Daryl (who was shot in the show leading up to this one) or Maggie (who was sick due to complications with the pregnancy)  could bite the dust. Even Carl, who in the comics seems to get close to Negan in a weird way, could be the one to kick the bucket.

As a writer myself, I did find this episode weak as it only prolonged a situation that needed to set up the confrontation of Negan's introduction. Only the last 10 minutes of the show were really worthwhile and this was mostly due to the efforts of Jeffrey Dean Morgan. However, if I had been in the shoes of NEGAN and I would have seen these guys kill 20 of my men, I would most assuredly KILL THEM ALL !! What is this stupid shit about only killing ONE GUY for them having killed TWENTY ?? Stepping out of my role as Devil's Advocate, this episode does bring an interesting bit of information to bear : our heroes have killed 20 Men of NEGAN's before he did anything to them. In other words, our heroes were the bad guys here. Killing only ONE PERSON is not the way a leader like NEGAN would take his leadership back into his own hands, I would say. But then, who am I?

 I look forward with great interest when THE WALKING DEAD will return, probably in October.

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