dinsdag 10 november 2015

A new Superhero has arrived : SUPERGIRL !!!

Ali Adler, Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg are presenting us a new show starring the lovely niece of Superman, Kara aka Supergirl on CBS this season. Melissa Benoist has taken the lead role while supporting roles are for Mehcad Brooks, Chyler Leigh and Calista Flockhart. (Calista Flockhart may be familiar to viewers from her years as ALLY McBEAL.)
Supergirl 1984
In the past Helen Slater played Supergirl in a 1984 film but alas, it did not make a big impression, despite good acting by Ms Slater and a rousing musical score by Jerry Goldsmith. While the new show does not sport a theme by the late Mr. Goldsmith , I do wish everyone working on the show GOOD LUCK. Knowing this is a Berlanti show, I think it will be very enjoyable !!

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