zaterdag 25 oktober 2014

The Latest Doctor Who : Peter Capaldi !

Doctor Who, for a time, was an almost forgotten television show. I can remember the 1990s when they were off the air entirely. I must admit though, that when Dutch Television started showing the series in the mid-seventies, they did not begin with the first Doctor. They started with Dr. 4 Tom Baker. Forget about William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton and Jon Pertwee. Tom Baker also for a long time was my undisputed Doctor Who. But mind you, after the Tom Baker years, I do believe the Dutch Television showings went sorely lacking as well, as I did not see anything of Peter Davison or the other two doctors of the 1980s. I did get to see the 1996 Dr Who television movie with Paul McGann (not on Dutch TV, no) but the rebirth in 2005 with Christopher Eccleston turned out very succesful (thank you, BBC!) and Eccleston was the new Doctor in his one year. But David Tennant followed him up in an incredibly succesful way. However, Matt Smith I never really liked. He was too young, too boyish, too quirky to be my kind of Doctor. (Mind you, I also HATED -fiercely- Amy Pond as his companion, even though I never minded the way she exited so dramatically.) But since only a few months we now have PETER CAPALDI as the 12th Doctor.
The series of Doctor Who recently also celebrated it's fiftieth anniversay, reminding us viewers in all kinds of nice ways of the past adventures, even going so far as to set up a huge concert at the Royal Albert Hall where the music of the series was performed whilst the villains marched around to scare the kiddies. A fine concert, indeed ! And so now we return to a Doctor, who is older again, wiser perhaps or wittier?
Where I was not a fan of Matt Smith, I really like Peter Capaldi and I do enjoy the combination of Capaldi as the Doctor with Jenna Coleman's Clara (even if she is -yes or no- with Mr. Pink). Considering that every four years or so, the Doctor will be renewed, it will be some time before Capaldi -hopefully- regenerates into a successor but for the moment I am extremely pleased with him. His slightly older and darker version of the Doctor is a welcome incarnation after so many years of goodlooking young chaps who were almost smooching with their companions. But in a few years, there will again be some shoes to fill. WHO will then be chosen??
Or should we perhaps indulge in some free thinking and try to imagine what it would be like to have a FEMALE DOCTOR ?
Could be interesting, eh? See you in a few years and we'll talk again !!!

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